What to expect
How can this help you?
All the things that have influenced you include genetics, life experiences, environment, create a unique energy pattern that is you. Some of these influences result in blocks or distortions of your energy pattern. These blocks cause imbalances which are expressed as “dis”-ease in your life & "dis"-satisfaction, anxiety, illness, recurring injuries, and unhealthy relationships. Michael's commitment to healing is to help strengthen your understanding of these blocks and distortions through dialoguing and hands-on energy work. When you change unhealthy thought patterns and clear and restructure your energy field, energy begins to flow again and life-changing shifts can occur.
Healing is a co-creative process. You are your own and best healer. Michael will be there to witness and to help facilitate this healing. True healing occurs when you change the way you look at your life. Are you open to exploring yourself more deeply? He will work with you to bring your perception and experience of your life into greater balance and wholeness.
Michael@SantaBarbaraHealer.com 805-455-2929